I will be sharing a hotel room with four of my friends, we're going to order pizza, fill the tub up with ice and drinks and waterslide!! Also, my best friend Audie came over last night and is sleeping on my floor.
I'm home sick from school. I woke up this morning and could barely talk. I'm laying on the couch watching Where the Wild Things Are, and trying to install the Sims 3. I like today.
I am going to a show. Check these bands out, cause I like them. www.myspace.com/battle www.myspace.com/herculesne www.myspace.com/failedstatessk www.myspace.com/experimentsqc
I just finished baking a batch of chocolate chip cookies, I'm bringing them to my friend Amanda's (It's her birthday party tonight)and Becca's!(She's having a welcome home party tonight, she just got home from Australia.) Tonight should be lots of fun, and I'm really enjoying the weather we're had lately, I don't even need to wear a coat! I'm also watching The Titanic again, So good.
Alex and I made cupcakes for my uncle! He's 41 today. We're having the family over for pizza, but I'm not sure where from. Me and Alex want spinach and feta from www.julianapizza.ca/ These are mine and Alex's favorite! So many! Bam.
Tonight Al and I rented The Titanic. I've been really wanting to watch it again. So we did, and I forgot how much I love Jack.. I know he's a fictional character but he's too awesome. When I was little I would sit and watch the Titanic and cry by myself, my parents ended up not letting me watch it cause I'd get too emotional over it. I had a good cry tonight at the end.