18 million to 29 million gallons of oil have emptied into the Gulf since April 20th. This is the worst single-incident environmental disaster in history.
"BP CEO Tony Hayward is sworn in on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, June 17, 2010, prior to before testifying before the Energy and Environment subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations hearing on the role of BP in the Deepwater Horizon Explosion and Oil Spill."
Diane Wilson goes to jail for dumping a jar of fake oil on herself, and Tony Hayward doesn't even have to answer to the U.S. public.
I gave blood for the first time! Considering I'm usually really scared of needles I think I did pretty good. I was told I have very healthy blood for a vegetarian.
Audie is officially in Victoria, and knowing that I can't hang out with her whenever I want makes me really miss her. I don't know who will go for saturday morning bike rides down 13th with me now. I made two more squares for the birthday blanket I am extremely late on. I will end up sending it while she is still there. She will be back in 48 days though. :)
I'm going to give blood sometime soon with Audie. I'm worried though, I get freaked out my needles. I have to eat better and keep taking my vitamins so my blood is healthy! Here are some pictures from my last two trips to the bird sanctuary.
was my best friends 17th birthday!! Happy Birthday Audie!
Yesterday Alex picked me up from school. We took in the recycling and made 26$ then we went for sandwiches at The Green Spot and then fed the birds at the bird sanctuary!!
I went to Saskatoon to go see Bane and Strike Anywhere with Alex, my cousin Dorian, and his friend Jon. We left in the afternoon and went shopping a bit. I finally bought my toms! We also went to Fuddrucker's. My veggie burger was awesome. The show ruled too, but I was getting so sleepy!