I need to start keeping up with my blog!! Sorry to my one reader. I'm so happy it's almost the weekend, school and working gets boring so fast. Hopefully this weekend I will get some painting, yoga and drinking in! Apparently there is another decentralized dance party happening on Saturday, and everyone is going to be wearing their costumes. I will definitely go to it, if it does happen!
Today is Friday, and I have no school. I've spent my morning helping my mom around the house. I plan on painting at some point this afternoon. Then I have "hot yoga" with Audie tonight, neither of us have done it before so I'm excited! Cheers!
It's beautiful outside, I love the leaves on the ground, and all the colours! I bought some awesome hot chocolate, I can't get enough of it! And, I have no school on Friday or Monday. I'm really excited for Thanksgiving!