January 11, 2011

Day 7: Your zodiac sign, and if you think it fits your personality.

I'm a Taurus.
"Taurus offers dependability and security. The bull is a fixed sign - making them stubborn and bull-headed. Ruled by Venus, they are usually quite attracted to beauty and luxury, especially when it concerns their own possessions... meaning material things and/or people. Noted as a feminine sign, they are very generous and creative. These original interpretations let you know that their earthy element may have them appear as being a slow mover - but it is a slow pace that keeps them on the right track. They like to take their time on making decisions and believe that this aids them in making the best investments, whether in a financial (or romantic) situation. The bull tends to be quite private, and more of a listener - frustrating those who need more communication. These folks are patient, strong, sincere, loyal and have tons of common sense."

So, I'm not sure how much I agree with this.. I think most of the time people can depend on me, I don't know if I agree with the beauty and luxury stuff completely. I wish I was more creative. Overall I think I'm a fairly generous person. I'm not very good with financial situations. I don't think I'm a very private person either, but I think I can listen to someone if it's important.

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